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  • Writer's pictureAllison Black

Social Media No More

But, like, everyone markets through social media, right? You need to be posting multiple times a day, on multiple sites! You need an Instagram page, a Facebook business page for a group, a podcast so you can reach more people, and a blog to go along with your podcast; oh, and don’t forget about Youtube, too!

That’s just the way it’s done. There is no other way.

Or is there?

There is.

My mental health is worth more to me than likes, comments, views, shares, and subscribes

The pressure of having to come up with “valuable” content became too overwhelming. Constantly wracking my brain, trying to figure out why posts didn’t do well. Researching things, I think what I need to do differently ate away at my days.

When I couldn’t deliver “value,” or when there were only 2 likes or no engagements in the comments, I felt like a worthless idiot piece of shit.

My stress and anxiety were at their highest point they had been in over a decade!

What started as a quick 30-day social media detox in late May/ early June became a forever-breakup.

It felt A-FUCKING-MAZING not opening any apps to check my like count, spending all day creating new posts, or trying to schedule those posts at the time when my audience was supposedly the most active on Instagram.

A literal weight was lifted off my shoulders. I’m happier. My stress and anxiety went down. Drastically. My fear of “missing out” disappeared because I didn’t feel like I was competing for anyone’s attention; because of that, I started sleeping a full 8-hours and feeling like I needed to run my “to-do” list through my head right as I’m getting out of bed!

Now, about 3-ish months into it, I know for sure.

I’m not going back.

I got time back

Initially, I took a break from social media because my Arizona kids were spending half their summer with us (hi, blended family over here!). Then, mom was visiting us from Arkansas for a week. Then we went to visit my family in July.

During that time off social media, I was able to read.

I felt present in the moments I spent with my family.

I was able just to exist as a blob on my couch.

Don’t judge! It was fucking great!

And, DAMMIT, I love a challenge!

Now that I feel enough time has passed, I’m in a different mental state regarding my business.

It’ll be a challenge, for sure.

What am I gonna do? How the hell am I gonna make it work as a solopreneur SANS-SOCIAL MEDIA!?

I have no fucking clue…I’m not gonna lie.

And that’s pretty exciting.

Over to you!

How do you feel about social media? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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